March 20: CTRA Annual Meeting and Board Election

Save the date: the CTRA will hold its Annual Meeting and Board Election on Saturday, March 20, at 10am. This year’s meeting will be online via Zoom and will be the first since 2019, as last year’s meeting was canceled due to the pandemic. Register for the meeting here.

The meeting will follow a similar format to the in-person meetings of old, albeit without the coffee and bagels. First, the CTRA president will welcome neighbors and give the traditional “State of the Terrace” address. Then, Mayor Tom DuBois will address the neighborhood and answer questions. (Have a burning question for the mayor? This is your chance to ask!) After the mayor’s Q&A, board election results will be announced and the meeting will adjourn.

The CTRA board election will be held online this year. Click here to view the board slate and cast your ballot.