A collection of useful links related to our neighborhood and city.
College terrace NEIGHBORHOOD
- College Terrace community on Nextdoor
- College Terrace Library
- College Terrace Residential Parking Permit Program
neighborhood SCHOOLS and CHURCHES
- College Terrace Children’s Center
- Escondido Elementary School
- LDS Institute
- Stanford University
- University Lutheran Church
- City of Palo Alto
- Public Safety: list of City emergency phone numbers
- City of Palo Alto Police
- Code Enforcement Info
- Palo Alto 311: Report issues and code violations
- Palo Alto Municipal Code
- Palo Alto Libraries
- Palo Alto Utilities
- Public Works
- Zero Waste: What’s recyclable, compostable, etc. in Palo Alto
- Street Sweeping: Currently on Mondays in College Terrace
santa clara county
- County of Santa Clara
- Vector Control District: Report coyote sightings (or call 408-918-3497)
Local media
- Palo Alto Weekly
- The Daily Post
- Stanford Daily
- The Campanile (Palo Alto High)