- President: Richard Stolee
- Vice President: Bridget McCormick
- Secretary: Diane Finkelstein
- Treasurer: James Cook
- Communications Director: Melissa Oliveira
- Social Coordinator: Mary Stavn
- Stanford Observer: Leah Cowan
- City Observer: Ann Lafargue Balin
- California Ave Business District Observer: Chris Philpott
- Research Park Observer: Melanie Grondel
The president is responsible for presiding at all meetings of the board and all general CTRA meetings and directing the business of the CTRA as executive officer of the board. The president is also responsible for upholding the bylaws, policies, and positions of the association and for representing the association at outside meetings.
The vice-president assists the president and, in the event of the president’s inability or refusal to act, performs the duties of the president.
The secretary takes minutes at all meetings of CTRA and the board of directors, and maintains a record of minutes and correspondence to and from CTRA.
The treasurer presents a budget to the Board in November, receives and safely maintains funds of the CTRA, prepares financial reports for the board and presents such reports at CTRA general meetings. As directed by the board, the treasurer also disburses CTRA funds to individuals for expenses incurred on behalf of CTRA.
The communications director heads a committee of volunteers who divide up responsibilities for producing the neighborhood website, e-newsletter, flyers and other information.
The Palo Alto City observer, California Avenue observer, Stanford University observer and Research Park observer each keep the board and the membership informed of pertinent local actions and issues of interest to College Terrace. Duties include monitoring relevant public meetings and media in their respective issue areas. The four observers also work with the president to organize election forums and informational meetings on major issues, and provide reports to membership as appropriate.
The coordinator of social events heads a committee of volunteers who jointly encourage activities involving residents with similar interests, make the spring and fall neighborhood picnics happen, and provide refreshments when needed at neighborhood meetings.
Board elections are held every March at the CTRA’s annual meeting. Consult the CTRA Bylaws for full details on the governance of CTRA including membership, duties and powers of the board of directors, meetings, and voting.