County Planning Commission Meeting on Stanford GUP Thursday

The Santa Clara County Planning Commission will hold its first of three hearings on the Stanford University’s development proposal and General Use Permit (GUP) application in Palo Alto this Thursday at 6pm in the City Council Chambers.  This proposal, which will add more than 3.5 million square feet of new development and 9,600 people to Stanford’s campus, is the largest project ever reviewed by the County in its 169-year history. 

Thursday’s meeting is the only one of the three hearings that will be held in Palo Alto (the other two are in San Jose), making it the perfect opportunity for College Terrace residents to learn about the issues involved and voice their opinions. The proposed development will have a significant impact on local traffic, housing, open space, and quality of life for years to come, so now’s the time to speak up!

To read up on the issues before Thursday’s hearing, check out:

    Santa Clara County’s website dedicated to informing residents about its process to review Stanford University’s development proposal and General Use Permit (GUP) application.
    Stanford’s website detailing its General Use Permit (GUP) application and its plans for addressing issues around housing, transportation, sustainability and more.

Hope to see some of you at Thursday’s hearing!