Join the Stanford Community Plan Stakeholder Group

The County of Santa Clara Department of Planning and Development has begun the Stanford University Community Plan Update process and is starting initial community outreach including meetings with stakeholder groups, including neighborhood groups.

The planners would like to set up a stakeholder meeting soon to receive your input on the Community Plan Update. If you would like to be part of this stakeholder group, please email with your contact information.

By way of background, the Stanford lands located within unincorporated Santa Clara County are governed by the goals, policies, and programs in the Stanford Community Plan (“Community Plan”) that is part of the Santa Clara County General Plan. The Community Plan was adopted by the County Board of Supervisors in 2000, and most recently amended in 2015. The Community Plan update is the first phase of planned work to update the overall County General Plan.

The Community Plan update will consist of background, data, and policy updates to the seven elements of the Community Plan: Growth and Development, Land Use, Housing, Circulation, Open Space, Resource Conservation, and Health and Safety. The project will also include preparation of a Municipal Services Study, Childcare Study, and a Graduate Student Housing Affordability Study to inform the updates to the Community Plan.

Visit the project website at for more information.